
Saturday 5 September 2020

Free Source Code Hindi Shayari Collection - Make Your Own Shayari Collection Android Application

Make Your Own Android Application

Hi, guys welcome to My Support Tech blog. In this post, I will share the Android Application Source Code. In this Source-Code, you can learn how you can make your own android application.
Let's Start With Empty Screen And Name The Your Application-  
free hindi shayari collection app source code
Android Application

Demo :

Create Activity And Resource

  • Item List Resource Layout
  •  Splash Screen
  • Home Screen
  • Create Blank Fragment For Category(Tabs)
  • Custom Adapter
  • Create Asset Folder

Item List Layout(create a resource layout)

  • Item List Layout


Splash Screen(Simple Splash Screen Image View With Handler)

  • Splash Screen XML

  •  Splash Screen JAVA


Home Screen(Tab layout, ViewPager Fragment, And RecyclerView)

Here in the home screen, I will create a tab-layout to show all categories and content.

Home Screen As Second Activity XML

  • HomeActivity XML
  • HomeActivity Java 


Custom Adapter Class

Create a java class to make the Adapter.
  •  Custom Adapter


Blank Fragment(Recyclerview)

Blank Fragment As Content Category
  • Blank Category XML

  • Blank Fragment JAVA

Assets Folder

create assets folder to add the .txt(Text Item) files.

Click Here To Download Alone Shayari.txt

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