
Saturday 29 February 2020

BuildBox 3 Add Admob Ads In BuildBox Game

Hello friends, Your welcome again. Today we know here how to Add Admob Ads In BuildBox Game. Let's start

First of all, let me tell you that I will use the Test Admob ad. By following this step you can show Real Ads (Your Own Admob Account Ad). 

First, select your project in BuildBox and open it. Now continue to do as I say.

1. Now click in the Gear Icon

BuildBox - Add Admob Ads In BuildBox Game
BuildBox - Add Admob Ads In BuildBox Game

2. You will now open a new window that looks like this. Now you have to click in the third option SDKs

Buildbox 3 Beta Android: Integrated Admob Interstitial Ads With
BuildBox - Add Admob Ads In BuildBox Game

3. Now you have to select your platform Android or iOS, I will select here Android because I have Android mobile, iPhone user select iOS.

4. Now you have to select Admob by clicking on Add.

buildbox forum, admob business account, admob service, is buildbox free to use
Adding Admob Ads to Games | Buildbox

After selecting Admob, you will see some other information in the window. Now you have to enter your Publisher Id first. we are using this Test Admob Ad then we will enter the Test publisher id. You can get Test Admob Ad Id or more Information about Admob Test Ad by clicking here.

(Note: if you using Admob Real Ad so go to your Admob Account setting and select publisher id then paste it here)

5. Test Publisher id - ca-app-pub-3940256099942544

After pasting the publisher id, click in Submit.

Adding Admob Ads to Games | Buildbox
Adding Admob Ads to Games | Buildbox

6. Now here you have to enter your APP ID, BANNER AD ID, INTERSTITIAL AD ID and REWARDED AD ID. Copy and paste

Adding Admob Ads to Games | Buildbox
Adding Admob Ads to Games | Buildbox

Test APP ID - ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713

Banner AD ID - ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111

Interstitial AD ID - ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712

Rewarded AD ID - ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5224354917


7.checked correctly and then click OK and come out. Admob Ad Implement Complete in your Buildbox project.

Integrating ads in buildbox and exporting to apk
Integrating Admob ads in buildbox and exporting to apk

8. Now there is a small step, now you have to select where your Ad show in-game. I will show the AD in three places First Menu UI Second PAUSE UI and Third Game OVER UI

Select each UI one by one and check the BOX of the Banner & Interstitial AD and set the AD frequency. I'll set the banner Freq. 1 and Interstitial Freq. 2. Let it be 1 - 1 in the Pause UI.

Adding AdMob Banner and Interstitial Ads to Buildbox game
Adding AdMob Banner and Interstitial Ads to Buildbox game
That's all you have to do in the BuildBox project, now export it and go to Android Studio and build the APK.

(Note: Build APK after updating all Dependency (ADS related)

Now your game ready to show Admob Ads. if you have any questions or suggestion send me in the comment box.

Bye !! Have A Nice Day.

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