
Sunday, 9 September 2018

What is A Niche ? Why Important For Blogging Or Blog Beginner ?

Niche Blog and Micro Niche Blog : You First Important Step

Niche Blog means focusing your blog or website on any subject or region and writing all kinds of articles related to that topic. As if you choose Health topic, Niche Blogging will mean that you write about Health related posts. Micro Niche Blogging means choosing a very Micro Niche and writing a post on it like Weight Loss.

Importance of Niche Blogging

There is a saying in English that 'Jack of all trades, master of none', which means that "anyone who knows all the arts but is not an expert in anybody". Many of us often start doing this work in Blogging too. He always puts any Health Post in his blog and his next post is based on Blogging. The next day they go to the third topic. They think that writing on many subjects or Niche will bring more traffic to their blog while not so much. Doing so will not add any Passionate Reader from your blog. You tell yourself, if you have any advice about Mutual Funds, then whom do you go to? Having an Engineer as well as having information about Mutual Funds, or any Expert Mutual Funds Advisor? Obviously everyone will go to the Mutual Fund Advisor. In the same way, Readers also visit the website only on Expert and a Niche related blog. Search Engines also provide high ranking to Niche Blogs.

What is A Niche ? Why Important For Blogging Or Blog Begiiner ?
What is A Niche ? Why Important For Blogging Or Blog Begiiner ?

How to Earn Money by Making Niche Blog

Creating a Niche Blog is not as daunting as it is understood. The only difference being in creating a Niche Blog and creating a Common Blog is that you can make the Common Blog without any special research, but for Niche Blogs, you have to do Proper Reserch and Planning. Along with some of the scams, your skills, interests, etc. can easily be made a Niche Blog.

#Identify your Passion

If you do not like Bajaj Bikes, then creating a blog about their Qualities will prove to be a bad idea for you. If you like them a little too much but do not have your keen interest in them then do not make the mistake of making them their own niche. Meaning of the thing is that whatever you like and which you like very much to know and talk about, just make the topic related to those things your Niche.

#Identify Short Term and Long Term Niche

If your objective is to earn money by making a blog for a few days then you can choose Short Term Niche, but if you take Blogging as a Long Term Income Source, then you should choose Long Term Niche, which is going to look at everyone in my eyes Should do For example, if you choose a movie or a TV series, then your blog will end with the loss of the TV series or the popularity of the movie. Such blogs are called Short Term Blogs. While the future of living in the future continues to be its Niche, it is unlikely that it will end.

#Set Up Your Niche Blog 

To start earning money from your Niche Blog, you must first create it. There are so many platforms like WordPress. You can buy hosting from Best Hosting Services like BlueHost or Hostgator and keep your blog in front of the world. You should now decide the layout of your blog. When visitors come to your blog, they find it nice and easy. There are many theme stores like Themeforest, Studiopress and Thesis, from which you can buy your favorite theme and use it on your blog. You can also customize these themes according to your liking. Another essential thing is plugins.

Plugins make it easy for you to manage your blog. For example, you want to add an Email Subscription Form to your blog so that visitors can subscribe to your blog. You do not have to worry about this, you just have to go to the WordPress Plugin Store and install a plugin and your work will be done. There are some Must-have Plugins for W3 Total Cache,, Jetpack, Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin, Better WP Security etc. WordPress Blog.


#Start typing

You should start writing when your blog is set fully. You should not be hasty enough to increase traffic to your blog. Because those visitors who come here will not be coming back after considering your blog as new and incomplete. Therefore, it is necessary to have at least 10-12 good posts on your blog only then try it for SEO and share it with people on Social Media Platforms.


SEO is the method by which our Blog receives Organic Traffic. Through SEO, your blog gets good ranking in Search Results. This will increase the likelihood of visitors visiting this blog by clicking on this link. There are many On-Page Techniques and Off-Page Techniques for Enhancing SEO-

On-Page SEO Techniques

  • Write good quality articles
  • Use the Best Keywords and Long-Tail Keywords at Every Post
  • Use keywords in Heading and Sub Heading
  • Attractive Meta Discription
  • Alt Attribute of Image

Off-Page SEO Techniques (Link Building Techniques)

  • Guest Posting
  • Join Social Media
  • Submit your articles to article directories
  • Infographics Submission
  • Answering Questions in Forums

#Monetize Your Blog

You have made a blog by choosing your Niche. Now you need to monetize your blog to start earning money. Monetizing means making money through showing Ads on your Blogs or via Affiliate Marketing, Paid Reviews, etc. The easiest way to monetize is Google Adsense. You have to sign up in it, then Google Analyze your Blog. After being fully satisfied, he approves your blog. Google Adsense's Approval Policy is a bit scary, so if you want your blog to get approval quickly, sign in to Google Adsense only after having at least 1000 visits per day on your blog. Your blog should have at least 20-25 good quality posts and contact us and about Us section. Receiving Google Adsense Approval without them can prove to be a tough one.

In addition to Google Adsense, you can earn good money through Affiliate Marketing. For this, joining a good affiliate program, you can find their Affifiate Links Place Place Commission in your blog. For more information on Affiliate Marketing, here is Affiliate Marketing and how to earn money from affiliate marketing. There are many companies nowadays who continue to contact Famous Blogger for writing Paid reviews of their products. When your blog is also Famous, you can earn money by writing Paid reviews of a specific product or service of a company.

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